Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Outside City Limits Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-5,000 $12.00
5,001-20,000 $11.00
20,001-40,000 $10.00
40,001+ $8.35

Outside City Limits Residential Service Rates are subject to the following taxes:

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Inside City Limits Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-5,000 $11.00
5,001-20,000 $10.00
20,001-40,000 $9.00
40,001+ $7.35

Inside City Limits Residential Service Rates are subject to the following taxes:

3.0% Town of Double Springs Franchise Tax

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Sewer Rates are 85% of the Water Rates

Police Jurisdiction Water Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
2,001-5,000 $12.00
5,001-20,000 $11.00
20,001-40,000 $10.00
40,001+ $8.35

Police Jurisidiction Rates are subject to the following taxes:

1.5% Town of Double Springs Franchise Tax

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Commercial Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
10,001-20,000 $11.00
20,001-30,000 $10.00
30,001-40,000 $9.00
40,001+ $7.35

Commercial Rates inside the Town Limits of Double Springs are Subject to the following taxes:

3.0% Town of Double Springs Franchise Tax

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Commercial Rates inside the Police Jurisdiction of Double Springs are Subject to the following taxes:

1.5% Town of Double Springs Franchise Tax

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Commercial Rates outside the Police Jurisdiction of Double Springs are Subject to the following taxes:

4.0% State of Alabama Utility Tax

Commercial Sewer Rates are 135% of Water Rates

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